The following article by David Leichner, CMO at Cybellum was published in Authority Magazine on October 23, 2023 and on as a part of a series about the women leading the Artificial Intelligence industry, David had the pleasure of interviewing Ash Shehryar.

“Believe fiercely in your abilities and the unique value you bring. Do not let gender imbalances make you question your worth or knowledge. You deserve to be here.”

Award-winning creative executive, Ash Shehryar is the Founder and Chief Product Officer of Prontopia, a groundbreaking AI-driven platform that is reshaping the video production landscape. Prontopia enables businesses to create professional videos at scale, quickly and cost-effectively. As the head of product, Ash is recognized for her innovation, creativity, and unparalleled ability to deliver game-changing results. Her pioneering work has set the standard for the industry, and her dedication to excellence continues to inspire and transform the video production landscape.

With over 20+ years of industry experience in global brands, B2B/B2C marketing, digital strategy development, e-commerce, process improvement, team building, and user experience design, Ash has become a respected authority in her field. Her visionary leadership has not only inspired her team but also driven her clients to new heights of success.

Her unmatched skills in UI/UX/CX design and marketing have been honed through collaborations with top brands like Kellogg’s, Kimberly-Clark, Pfizer, Tazo, Ford, and P&G. With these partnerships and her own ventures, she’s created industry-defining solutions and led high-performing teams to unparalleled achievements. Her extensive accolades include over 67 awards, such as the Effie, Reggie, Sammy, IAC, Web, W3, and Addy Awards, making her a distinguished leader in her field.

Thank you so much for joining us in this interview series! Can you share with us the ‘backstory” of how you decided to pursue this career path in AI?

My journey into the world of AI is a blend of my inherent curiosity as a designer and my close encounters with tech innovations through my personal and professional life. Throughout my career as a designer, I’ve been driven by an insatiable appetite for innovation. What truly excites me about design isn’t just the aesthetic, but the potential to think outside the box, to create something unprecedented, and to use it as a tool to deliver extraordinary outcomes for clients and customers. It’s about uncovering that unique idea that has the power to provide solutions — and to change perspectives.

There’s something else that’s always defined my professional journey: whenever I encountered something I didn’t know, I purposely immersed myself in it. This wasn’t just to broaden my knowledge, but because I genuinely relish the challenge of figuring out intricate problems. There’s a certain thrill in diving headfirst into the unknown, armed only with a mindset eager to learn and solve. This penchant for seeking out challenges, for wanting to grapple with the not-so-easy problems, has shaped my career.

While I was on this creative journey, I had the fortune of witnessing the tech revolution up-close, thanks to my husband’s venture, “Cloutel,” an AI solutions provider for global enterprises. His world exposed me to the immense potential of AI — its power to transform industries, its application in solving complex problems, and its role in shaping the future. As I delved deeper, I realized that AI was not just a tool for tech enthusiasts, but it held immense value for creative minds like mine. It presented an opportunity to address many of the challenges we face as creators and amplify our creative capabilities.

The “aha” moment came when we were conceptualizing Prontopia. I instantly felt a resonance with its mission and vision because it was the perfect intersection of my love for design, my interest in AI, and my passion for breaking new grounds. The decision to embark on this AI journey wasn’t just a choice; it felt like a calling. And, the rest is history!

What lessons can others learn from your story?

From my journey, I’ve gleaned several insights that I believe can inspire and guide others:

  • Embrace Curiosity:My path underscores the importance of nurturing and following one’s curiosity. It’s this curiosity that led me to explore unfamiliar terrains, like AI, even when rooted in the world of design.
  • Dive into the Unknown: Often, it’s the things we know the least about that offer the most significant opportunities for growth. Whenever I faced something unfamiliar, I plunged into it headfirst, driven by a desire to learn and solve. This proactive approach has not only expanded my knowledge but also enriched my career.
  • Celebrate Interdisciplinary Paths: My story highlights the beauty of letting varied interests intersect. Combining design and AI wasn’t just about blending two fields; it was about creating something entirely new at their intersection. Don’t limit yourself to silos; instead, explore how your passions can come together in unexpected ways.
  • Value Diverse Perspectives: Being exposed to different worlds, from design to the tech innovations at “Cloutel,” has broadened my horizons. Encourage diversity in your circles; it can be the catalyst for groundbreaking ideas.
  • Trust Your Instincts:When Prontopia was being conceptualized, it wasn’t just logic or market research that guided me — it was a deep, intuitive resonance. Always give weight to that inner voice; sometimes, it sees the bigger picture.
  • Challenges as Stepping Stones: My love for tackling complex problems has been a defining aspect of my journey. Instead of being daunted by challenges, view them as opportunities waiting to be seized. They can lead you to new avenues and solutions you’d never have thought of otherwise.

In a nutshell, my story with Prontopia and the interplay of design and AI is a testament to the power of curiosity, the joy of exploration, and the fulfillment that comes from addressing challenges head-on. If there’s a single lesson to be drawn, it’s this: With a mix of passion, intuition, and a love for challenges, you can carve paths you’ve never even dreamed of.

None of us are able to achieve success without some help along the way. Is there a particular person who you are grateful towards who helped get you to where you are? Can you share a story about that?

Our journey to success is often paved with the contributions, guidance, and support of many. Throughout my career, I’ve been fortunate to have outstanding mentors and supervisors who have shared their wisdom, challenged me, and offered invaluable insights. Their collective guidance has been instrumental in shaping my professional trajectory.

However, if there’s one individual who stands out as a beacon of support and inspiration, it has to be my husband, Sherry. He hasn’t just been a partner in the traditional sense but has also been a pillar of strength, encouragement, and wisdom in my personal and professional journey.

I recall a particular instance early in my career when I was grappling with a challenging project. The stakes were high, and I was filled with doubt about my decisions. It was Sherry who, over a late-night cup of tea, listened patiently to my concerns and then asked me a simple question: “Do you believe in your idea?” When I nodded, he smiled and said, “Then go for it with all your heart. Failures and doubts are but stepping stones.” It was a simple conversation, but it reinvigorated my spirit and reminded me of the importance of belief and perseverance.

Moreover, it was through his fervent discussions about his innovative AI projects that my own curiosity in the domain was kindled. He spoke of AI not just as a technology, but as a transformative force, painting a vivid picture that stirred something within me. It made me realize the potential intersections of our worlds — design and AI — and how I could play a role in that narrative.

Sherry’s unwavering faith in me, combined with his gentle nudges to step out of my comfort zone, have been instrumental in pushing me to explore uncharted territories and achieve milestones I had once only dreamed of. In essence, while many have contributed to my story of success, it’s Sherry’s enduring support and belief that have truly made the difference. To him, I owe not just gratitude but a testament to the power of genuine support and partnership.

Can you tell our readers about the most interesting projects you are working on now?

Certainly! At the forefront of my current endeavors is our startup, Prontopia — a groundbreaking venture that is poised to revolutionize the way businesses approach video creation. As the Founder and Chief Product Officer, I’ve been deeply immersed in this project since 2020, and it’s been an exhilarating journey so far.

Imagine a world where creating a video, often seen as a task that requires hours of effort and specialized expertise, can be accomplished in just 60 seconds. That’s the magic of Prontopia. It’s not just another video platform; it’s an end-to-end AI-driven solution designed with the ethos of transforming complexity into simplicity. In today’s fast-paced digital age, content is king, and videos reign supreme. Yet, the process of crafting quality video content can be daunting for many businesses. Prontopia seeks to eliminate that barrier, democratizing video creation by making it accessible, efficient, and exceptionally user-friendly.

Every day at Prontopia is a fresh challenge, as we constantly brainstorm and iterate to push the boundaries of what’s possible. We’re not just building a product; we’re sculpting an experience. A key focus for us is the customer journey — how can we make it smoother, more intuitive, and ultimately, more delightful? We envision Prontopia as the quintessential hub for all video needs, a place where businesses can see their visions come to life seamlessly.

While Prontopia is undeniably a technical marvel, at its core, it’s driven by a human-centric philosophy. It’s a testament to our commitment to empower businesses, regardless of their size or domain, to tell their stories, share their messages, and connect with their audiences in the most impactful way possible — through captivating videos.

In essence, while I’ve been involved in numerous projects over the years, Prontopia stands out as a beacon of innovation, passion, and potential. It’s not just about what technology can do; it’s about the transformative experiences and endless possibilities it can unlock for businesses worldwide.

You are a person of great influence. If you could start a movement that would bring the most amount of good to the most amount of people, what would that be?

Thank you for recognizing the influence one can have. If I were to champion a movement, it would be “Storytelling for Change.” My unwavering commitment lies in the movement to educate and empower girls across the globe. This cause is not just about schooling; it’s a transformative journey that has the potential to change lives and shape the future. It’s a movement that advocates for equal access to quality education, breaking down the barriers that have held girls back for far too long.

I firmly believe that every girl, regardless of her background, deserves the opportunity to learn and grow. It’s about more than just enrolling girls in schools; it’s about creating an environment where they can thrive. This movement calls for well-trained teachers, safe and nurturing learning spaces, and up-to-date resources to ensure that education is not just a dream but a reality for girls everywhere.

Financial support plays a crucial role. By offering scholarships and incentives, we can ensure that the cost of education does not stand in the way of their dreams. And it’s not just about academics; it’s about equipping girls with life skills and vocational training, empowering them with the knowledge and confidence to shape their own destinies. But it doesn’t stop there. It’s about changing hearts and minds, challenging cultural norms and prejudices that have held girls back. It’s a call for community engagement, where parents, communities, and local leaders come together to support girls’ education, creating a groundswell of support that can’t be ignored. Health and well-being are integral too. Ensuring access to healthcare, proper hygiene facilities, and menstrual hygiene management is vital. We want girls to attend school without compromising their health or dignity.

This journey is about global partnerships, where collaboration among international organizations, governments, NGOs, and the private sector can mobilize resources and expertise for girls’ education worldwide. It’s a testament to the power of collective action, demonstrating that when the world unites behind a shared purpose, transformative change is not just possible — it’s inevitable. In my heart, I know that the movement to educate and empower girls is not just a cause; it’s a calling. It’s a reminder that by investing in girls’ education, we invest in a brighter, more equitable, and prosperous world for all. It’s a journey worth taking, and I’m dedicated to making it a reality.

What is your favorite “Life Lesson Quote”? Can you share a story of how that had relevance to your own life?

“Live every day as if it were your last.” In Buddhist teachings, there’s a story of a young monk who approached his wise teacher and asked, “What is the most important lesson I should learn on my path to enlightenment?” The teacher replied, “Imagine that you have only one more day to live. How would you spend it?” The young monk pondered this question and realized that if he had just one day left, he would spend it in deep meditation, practicing mindfulness, and showing kindness and love to everyone he encountered. He would let go of grudges, judgments, and worries, focusing only on the present moment.

The wise teacher smiled and said, “That is the most important lesson. Live every day as if it were your last. Let go of attachments to the past and worries about the future. Embrace the beauty of the present moment, cultivate compassion, and seek inner peace.” This story from Buddhist wisdom emphasizes the idea of living in the present, cherishing each moment, and approaching life with mindfulness and kindness. It encourages us to reflect on our priorities, let go of unnecessary burdens, and make the most of the time we have.

Whether or not this story has a specific origin, its message resonates with me and serves as a valuable lesson on how to approach life with greater awareness and a deeper appreciation for the present.

As you know, there are not that many women in your industry. Can you share 5 things that you would advise to other women in the AI space to thrive?

As a woman leader in an AI space, I’d offer five crucial pieces of advice for women looking to thrive in this field.

    1. Believe fiercely in your abilities and the unique value you bring. Do not let gender imbalances make you question your worth or knowledge. You deserve to be here.
    2. Proactively build a robust support network of mentors, sponsors and allies. Seek out those who can provide guidance, collaborate with you, and advocate for your advancement. Surround yourself with people who want you to succeed.
    3. Voraciously continue your AI education through courses, conferences, training programs and more. Stay relentlessly focused on being at the cutting edge of new developments. Let your technical excellence silence any doubters.
    4. Be a visible champion for diversity, equity and inclusion. Advocate unapologetically for fair policies and practices in your workplace and the broader AI community. Lift others up along the way.
    5. Step forward boldly to take on leadership roles as they arise. Do not hold yourself back — your perspective is critical. Lead by example in fostering inclusive cultures where all talent thrives.

By embracing this mindset and taking proactive steps, you can thrive and shape the AI field for the better. Your success lifts up those following in your footsteps.

Can you advise what is needed to engage more women into the AI industry?

The journey to bring more women into the AI field demands a comprehensive strategy spanning education, recruitment, workplace policies, and messaging. It commences with a proactive showcase of women role models in AI, spotlighting their achievements through conferences, media, and prestigious awards that amplify the triumphs of current tech leaders. This illumination ignites the aspirations of young girls, inspiring them to envision a future in this dynamic realm.

Simultaneously, companies must adopt proactive recruitment practices, leveraging techniques like blind hiring to reduce unconscious bias and fostering a diverse technical workforce. Industry-specific networking and mentoring groups dedicated to women create vital communities that offer career guidance and opportunities, amplifying each other’s advancement.

Leaders in the field have the critical role of implementing inclusive policies such as flexible work arrangements, comprehensive parental leave, and nurturing cultures that retain women in the AI workforce. Investing in STEM education for young girls and initiatives that provide training and scholarships for women transitioning into AI careers is paramount.

Setting and diligently tracking diversity goals, coupled with maintaining accountability, is pivotal. Celebrating the achievements of women in AI helps generate meaningful change. However, it is essential to recognize that this transformation requires deliberate, sustained efforts from both the public and private sectors. The ultimate outcome will be a strengthened AI field, enriched by a broader spectrum of perspectives, ideas, and innovations.”

How can our readers follow you on social media?

You can stay connected with me on LinkedIn, where I consistently share intriguing developments in the realms of AI and Design. You can also follow Prontopia on IG @prontopiaai and on LinkedIn.

As you know, there is an ongoing debate between prominent scientists, (personified as a debate between Elon Musk and Mark Zuckerberg,) about whether advanced AI has the future potential to pose a danger to humanity. What is your position about this?

The debate between prominent figures like Elon Musk and Mark Zuckerberg reflects thoughtful concerns and optimism about advanced AI. On one hand, Musk argues we should proactively consider potentially dangerous long-term scenarios, like AI surpassing human intelligence without sharing human values. His caution advocates strong safety protocols and ethics in AI research to prevent unintended consequences. On the other hand, Zuckerberg focuses on the immense near-term benefits of AI like healthcare advances and enhanced productivity. He argues we shouldn’t stifle innovation by excessive fear of unlikely risks.

There are good faith arguments on both sides stemming from a shared goal of developing AI responsibly. We need a balanced approach — one that doesn’t regulate innovation into stagnation, but also prioritizes ethics, safety and control mechanisms. The most constructive path forward is likely in the middle — preserving the transformative potential of AI while channeling energies into addressing its challenges through technical research and thoughtful policies. With diligence and wisdom, we can harness the power of AI to uplift humanity.

What can be done to prevent such concerns from materializing? And what can be done to assure the public that there is nothing to be concerned about?

I would suggest prioritizing a few key areas for a responsible approach to AI:

  1. First and foremost, prioritize the adoption of transparent and ethical development practices. Technology leaders should make a public commitment to upholding human values, such as privacy, fairness, and accountability in their AI systems. Demonstrating this commitment involves rigorous testing, external audits, and the sharing of best practices.
  2. Secondly, allocate resources to safety and control research. Being proactive in creating safeguards, including fail-safes, containment methods, and formal verification for AI systems, is essential. These measures prevent uncontrolled risks and provide assurances to users.
  3. Third, advocate for thoughtful regulation and independent oversight. Collaborative governance frameworks, with checks and balances devised by policymakers in close cooperation with researchers and companies, are vital to ensuring the safe development of AI.
  4. Fourth, promote inclusive public engagement. It’s crucial to seek diverse input and provide clear explanations of the current state of AI technology to dispel unwarranted fears and guide the formulation of sound policies.
  5. Lastly, redirect the conversation toward realizing the immense benefits of AI for humanity. Emphasizing applications that save lives, create opportunities, and more can anchor discussions in the overwhelmingly positive potential of AI.

With these responsible approaches, we can advance AI while simultaneously building public trust through our actions. While there are risks, they are manageable with diligence and wisdom. AI is a technology that we must continue to shape for the benefit of all.

What are the 3 things that concern you about the AI industry? Why?

AI holds tremendous promise, yet also raises complex concerns we must proactively address. In my view, three issues stand out:

  1. First, ethical and bias challenges. AI systems learn from data that can embed societal biases around race, gender, and more. If not mitigated, AI risks perpetuating injustice and discrimination — the exact opposite of its potential. Prioritizing explainable models, rigorous testing, and inclusive teams is key to developing ethically aligned AI.
  2. Second, data privacy and security. The ubiquity of AI relies on access to data — our data. Misuse or abuse of this data compromises individual rights and freedoms. To build trust, companies must minimize data collection, encrypt sensitive information, and prevent unauthorized access through cybersecurity investments.
  3. Third, economic impacts like job displacement. As AI automates certain tasks and roles, it may displace jobs, especially those involving routine responsibilities. However, AI also creates new kinds of jobs. Managing this transition responsibly, through workforce training programs and inclusive policies, is paramount to ensuring prosperity is shared.

Meeting these challenges will require cross-sector collaboration. But done right, AI can become a democratizing force for empowerment. Advancing AI for social benefit should be our North Star, guiding companies, policymakers and researchers alike. Our future depends on it.

What are the 3 things that most excite you about the AI industry? Why?

Three facets of AI innovation evoke a sense of optimism and excitement within me.

  1. Firstly, I am enthused by AI’s potential to address humanity’s most pressing challenges. From combating climate change to eradicating diseases, AI offers innovative solutions to intricate global issues. As we continue to advance, we can harness AI to democratize opportunities, save lives, and safeguard our planet.
  2. Secondly, I view AI as a novel engine for economic growth. It isn’t merely a transformative force for industries; it has the capacity to birth entirely new sectors that we have yet to fathom. Through thoughtful policies, AI has the potential to generate employment, diminish repetitive tasks, and foster prosperity across diverse societies.
  3. Thirdly, the prospect of AI amplifying human potential is profoundly inspiring. By automating routine responsibilities, AI affords us the opportunity to channel our time and energy into more fulfilling endeavors like creative pursuits, nurturing relationships, and self-actualization. Thoughtfully directed, AI has the potential to aid us in realizing our fullest potential.

What unites these three aspects is hope. I firmly believe that, with ethically guided and accountable AI rooted in shared human values, the future holds immense promise. AI will not naturally develop equitably or safely; it necessitates diligent and principled guidance. However, when this technology is thoughtfully shaped, it has the power to make the world a significantly improved place for all. It’s this promise that fuels my inspiration.

How have you used your success to bring goodness to the world? Can you share a story?

Success, in my eyes, is not just a personal milestone but an opportunity to uplift and empower those around us. As I progressed in my career and stepped into more executive and supervisory roles, I recognized the influence and capacity I had to make tangible differences in others’ professional journeys. One principle I’ve always held close to my heart is the importance of genuine networking and community building. The digital age has its advantages, but it’s also led to a phenomenon I’ve noticed and been disheartened by: the tendency of some professionals to “ghost” or ignore others on platforms like LinkedIn, especially when they reach a certain stature or level of success. This is something I’ve consciously chosen to counteract.

A memory that stands out is when a LinkedIn connection reached out to me, expressing their interest in a role within my company. They were qualified, passionate, but struggling to get a foot in the door. Recognizing their potential, I not only facilitated an introduction but also vouched for their skills and dedication. Today, that individual is thriving in their role and contributing positively to our organization. But it’s not just about jobs within my own company. Whenever I come across talented individuals within my network or even beyond, I take it upon myself to bridge connections, make introductions, and leverage my position to benefit them.

To me, success is truly meaningful when it’s shared. If my journey and position can serve as a platform to elevate others, then that, in my opinion, is the real impact and legacy of success.

Thank you so much for joining us. This was very inspirational, and we wish you continued success in your important work.

About The Interviewer: David Leichner is a veteran of the Israeli high-tech industry with significant experience in the areas of cyber and security, enterprise software and communications. At Cybellum, a leading provider of Product Security Lifecycle Management, David is responsible for creating and executing the marketing strategy and managing the global marketing team that forms the foundation for Cybellum’s product and market penetration. Prior to Cybellum, David was CMO at SQream and VP Sales and Marketing at endpoint protection vendor, Cynet. David is a member of the Board of Trustees of the Jerusalem Technology College. He holds a BA in Information Systems Management and an MBA in International Business from the City University of New York.


Kristen Wilson

The AI video generator market is projected to expand significantly over the next decade.  On the heels of the launch of popular AI tools like ChatGPT, the AI video generator market is poised to explode.

According to a recent report from on Globe Newswire, the market is set to reach a value of USD 2,172 million by 2032, representing a compound annual growth rate (CAGR) of 23.6% from 2023 to 2032.

In this quick blog, we’ll take a closer look at the report’s findings and explore what’s driving the growth of the AI video generator market and some of the challenges that lie ahead.


What is an AI Video Generator?

An AI video generator is software that uses artificial intelligence (AI) algorithms to create video content automatically. These tools are designed to streamline the video production process by automating many time-consuming tasks, such as selecting and editing footage, adding effects, and creating transitions.

AI video generators can be used in various settings, from creating marketing videos for businesses to generating educational content for online courses. They can also be used to create personalized video messages or to automate video content creation for social media platforms.


Market Drivers

The growth of the AI video generator market is being driven by many factors, including:

Rising Demand for Video Content:

With the rise of social media platforms like YouTube, Instagram, and TikTok, there has been a massive increase in demand for video content. Brands, businesses, and individuals are all looking for ways to create engaging video content to capture the attention of their audiences.  But the challenge most businesses face is staff bandwidth and/or budget to create videos.

(Read more about the rising demand in our blog: Why Your Brand Should Be Using Automated Video Content.)

Automation and Efficiency:

AI video generators offer a way to automate many of the tasks involved in video production, which can save time and reduce costs. This is particularly important for businesses and content creators who need to produce a large volume of video content.

Technological Advances:

Advances in AI and machine learning algorithms are making it possible for AI video generators to produce more sophisticated and high-quality video content. This opens up new possibilities for video production, such as creating personalized video messages. localizing video content, or generating video content in real time.


Market Challenges

While the growth of the AI video generator market is promising, a number of challenges also lie ahead. These include:

Quality Control:

One of the biggest challenges facing the AI video generator market is ensuring that the quality of the video content meets the industry’s standards. While AI algorithms are getting better at producing high-quality content, there still needs to be a human to review and edit the content.  But thankfully, tools like Prontopia are very user-friendly and don’t require any specialized editing skills to edit the AI-generated video content.

Intellectual Property:

With the rise of AI video generators, the ownership of the content produced could become a legal grey area. This is particularly important for businesses and content creators relying on video content for revenue streams.  When considering AI video tools, ensure that the tool has proper licensing set up that doesn’t have any IP ownership issues as this is a significant area of concern for most businesses.



The AI video generator market is poised for significant growth over the next decade, driven by rising demand for video content and advances in AI technology. While challenges lie ahead, the potential benefits are clear, offering a way to streamline the video production process and produce high-quality video content at scale.

As with any emerging technology, addressing these challenges and establishing best practices for using AI video generators will be essential. With careful planning and attention to detail, businesses and content creators can leverage the power of AI to create engaging video content that resonates with their audiences in a quick and efficient manner without breaking the bank.

More details on the report can be found here.

To learn more about specific tools that can build these AI generated video content, please read our blog: Automated Video Content 101 or create your own video in less than a minute at www,


About Prontopia:

Prontopia is a simple-to-use AI-based tool for creating videos to market your business on social and video platforms. Prontopia is making the process seamless and focused for your team, even for employees with no editing skills or experience, at the forefront of AI-based video creation. This is crucial as content marketers from different industries adapt to the voracious appetite for video content happening around them.

Plus, with Prontopia, you will have detailed insights into your videos’ performance with data analytics to see what’s working! Whether it’s quick transitions or punchy overlaid text, you can track the efficacy of your efforts in a split second.

Visit to build a video in less than a minute or to learn more!



Brand Video Content: Why Your Brand Should be Using Video Content on Social Media


Social Media platforms of all sizes are catering more and more to video creators. Just a few months ago Instagram, historically a photo sharing application, announced their move towards prioritizing video content. TikTok, an app completely dedicated to video content, has over a billion users and generated an estimated $1.9 billion in revenue in 2020 alone. When it come to a brand’s video content, here is why you should be using video content on social media. 

Here is three quick reasons why video is the current queen of content: 

  1. Videos = Engagement. Let’s face it: there’s a hierarchy of how entertaining content can be. Video content on Instagram, Twitter, and almost all other platforms consistently receives the highest amount of engagement in the form of comments, shares, and likes. If you’re in marketing, you’ll know that often, engagement is an excellent indicator of conversation rates.  
  2. It can be repurposed easily. This one’s for the finance team, because though the cost of video might scare them off initially, it’s some of the easiest content to ‘repackage’. Once you have your video, you can share it to multiple platforms simultaneously (for example, think of all the creators cross-posting content to Instagram Reels and TikTok, or from Instagram Stories to Pinterest Pins). You can also create snippets of the video for reuse across marketing channels. The greater the reach, the greater the return on investment. 
  3. It appeals with many demographics. Of course Gen Z, one of the most digitally savvy audiences, are some of the primary consumers of video content because they have grown up with it. But you might be surprised to learn that millennials and Gen X’ers are also happily shopping and engaging via TikTok and Pinterest too. Similarly, millions of users seek out YouTube reviews or demos of a product they are interested in purchasing. Read more here regarding video tips & tricks.  

No matter the size of your company, the time to pivot to video content is now. 

But content marketers and business professionals will know that high-quality video content is not always cheap to create, nor is quality assured, especially if you’re new to the format.  You can capture video yourself but it is often low-quality.  You can hire professionals, but that is often expensive. 

Fortunately, there are solutions available: automated video content creation is now a reality.  Whether your goals are to grow your audience, promote specific products, or connect to new clients, Prontopia is the simple way to create, share, and schedule HD videos in less than a minute. 

When it comes to video creation and editing, whether you’re aiming for commercials or viral social media posts, the process of automation is all about making things easy for your business and your team. That’s why Prontopia also offers easy ways for you to create, schedule, and publish content, so you save time and money while also leveraging one of the more engaging content mediums on the market. 

Want to learn more?  Here are key video predictions in Video Marketing in 2022.

Get Started with Social Media Video Content: Do’s & Don’ts!


Whether your goal is to garner likes, increase brand awareness, improve your engagement, or boost sales, video is an excellent tool. But how do you get started with social media video content?

Video is the perfect medium for social media. It allows you to provide both information and entertainment quickly and in a highly attractive way. High-quality videos with movement, transitions, text, and audio are top-performing social media content across the most popular platforms, from Facebook to Twitter. Other social media platforms like Instagram, LinkedIn, and Pinterest also prioritize video content.

Long story short: if you’re not using video as part of your digital marketing strategy, now is the time to start.  Lights, Camera, Action!

Social Media Video Content: Do’s and Don’ts!

Because video is a carrier for so many content pillars, visual styles, and advertising opportunities, it’s crucial that you have a targeted approach. Don’t feel that you have to abandon your existing strategy, especially if you’re just getting started. Here are three quick Do’s and Don’ts to help you develop your method.

  1. Don’t Do All the Work Yourself.

Gone are the days of expensive studio rentals and pricey HD cameras. So don’t think that the only way to make professional videos is by renting a studio and hiring an expert. Instead, find a tool that can help you find clips based on the information you already have. Using keywords, style tags, and machine learning, Prontopia will identify relevant high-quality clips for you, and stitch them together.

  1. Do Aim for Consistency.

It’s tempting for marketers to want to see their videos get millions of views, and experience overnight, viral success. But the reality about video is that it’s most successful when you use it to build an engaged client base. Or use it to reach customers who are in your area and/or industry. You don’t need to aim for viral every time! Instead, re-focus on posting video consistently. Scheduling content in advance can help you do this—whether that means creating content in batches or using Prontopia to produce and schedule your videos for you. 

  1. Don’t Forget About Audio and Text.

While we often think of video as a dual visual and audio format, but these days, it’s a bit more complicated. Using trending audio on a social media platform can help get views. However, especially if you’re looking to post cross-platform, imagine watching your video from the user perspective: so often, we watch video without sound! Whether you’re in the doctor’s office or on your couch, there are many times we consume video without hearing the audio track at all. Instead of despairing, embrace this trend, and know that you can use both captioning and engaging text along with your audio. This will not only boost the accessibility of your video but allow it to be viewed successfully whether or not it can be heard.

Social Media Video Content: Make it Easier!

Finding a one-stop shop for video content sounds like a dream. But it is true: with Prontopia, you’re covered! With an automated system that learns from you, you can use simple keywords to find video content of all kinds. You can identify styles, fonts, and patterns that fit with your brand identity, and set videos to automatically post—as frequently as you like!  

Wherever you are with video content creation, Prontopia can be the next step forward. We make the process quick, effective, and high quality—just what you need to take your social media presence to the next level.

Learn more at or sign up for a free account to try it today!


Video Tips and Tricks for All Social Media Platforms


Whether you’re just starting out on social media, or you’re a veteran company with thousands of followers, optimizing content for each platform is an ever-evolving challenge. While applications continue to roll out new time limits, changes to their algorithms, and new features, staying engaged with optimization methods can help your video content reach the spotlight.  So what video tips and tricks can helps across social media platforms? 

As video continues to explode in popularity, social media platforms are in tough competition with each other. While photos, carousel posts, and text are still important parts of communicating with your audience, video is a chance to tell a story efficiently. So, grab your camera, and let’s dive into optimization!  

Video Tips and Tricks for Social Media

Here are four things to keep in mind when designing and creating your content. 

1) Have A Plan 

Video content doesn’t require you to throw out any of your existing branding or marketing strategy. You still need to think about your brand colors, your key message(s), and your audience. 

Whether it’s reach, sales, conversions, or just communication with customers, establishing a plan sooner rather than later is the way to go. Draw from your previous strategies, look at your highest-performing posts, and pull some data from the platforms you’re already on. What do people engage with the most? What seems to get the highest click through rate?  

In most cases, it’s important to include some kind of call to action (CTA), whether a hard or a soft sell. Sometimes ‘Order Now!’ will be appropriate, while other times, ‘Learn More’ might fit. But the idea of leading people to the next step along the journey is important even with public awareness campaigns. On any social media platform, the best content will tell a brand story, highlight an important moment, or show off industry knowledge—all of these are great places to start building a video marketing plan.  Garlic Media Group has a great blog related to this topic. 

2) Choose the Right Aspect Ratio 

For most platforms, a 16:9 (with a resolution of 1920 by 1080 pixels) will serve you just fine. This is the standard aspect ratio that you would watch on YouTube or your home TV. This ratio is a great place to start.  

However, for the past few years, vertical video is on the rise, thanks to Snapchat, Instagram and TikTok. In addition, story functionality (vertical content only available for 24 hours) has been added to Facebook, Twitter, and LinkedIn. For vertical video, whether for a feed post—think Instagram Reels, TikTok videos, etc—as well as stories, it’s best to use a 9:16 aspect ratio. 

It’s also, of course, important to consider the destination of your content. If the majority of it is being consumed via mobile, a square (1:1) aspect ratio may be preferable, and more broadly applicable. A 1:1 aspect ratio can be ideal for social media platforms that play automatically in their feed, and perhaps more importantly, it’s unlikely that a video with a square ratio will be cropped automatically. 

Here are the quick & dirty reference points for best aspect ratios for each platform: 

  • Instagram Feed Posts and Ads: 1:1 (Square)
  • Instagram TV (IGTV), Reels, and Stories: 9:16 (Vertical), 4:5 Vertical, or 2:3 Vertical in a pinch 
  • TikTok: 9:16 (Vertical)  
  • Facebook In-Feed Ads: 16:9 (Landscape) or 1:1 (Square)
  • Facebook Stories: 9:16 (Vertical) 
  • Twitter: 1:1 (Square) 
  • LinkedIn: 16:9, or 1:1 
  • Snapchat: 9:16 (Vertical) 

3) Sound, Music, and Subtitles! 

There are always going to be times where consumers have the sound off, either on their TVs or smartphones. Other times, they might be scrolling or avidly watching, with full sound capabilities. Because as a creator you can’t count on either one, it’s important to think about both! 

Optimizing your videos to work well with and without sound isn’t as tricky as it sounds. You can use tools like background music (royalty free or a trending piece of audio), subtitles or closed captioning, simple text and branding, a personalized voiceover—or a combination of these. Using royalty-free music and a customized voiceover in combination can provide a professional vibe, while trending audio and quirky captioning can angle more towards comedic and viral content. Closed captions or subtitles can help not only with the situations where consumers have their volume off, but also extend the reach of your content to those who are hard of hearing. 

The biggest takeaway is: create your content to be viewed with sound available, but don’t count on it. Before posting, make sure to watch it back and ask yourself: Would this make sense without audio? If not—consider using another of the visual options mentioned above. 

4) Keep Time In Mind 

Time is a toughie—but we’ve got you covered. Content creators often struggle with a) keeping track of the limits for each platform as well as b) knowing what length of video performs the best overall. 

As social media apps—particularly the video capabilities of each one—evolve, the time limits might change frequently. Fortunately, there are a couple lengths that work well as standard units: six seconds, 15 seconds, 30 seconds, and 60 seconds. 

Here are the current limits for several main social media platforms as a reference: 

  • Instagram Feed Posts, Reels, and Stories: Maximum 60 seconds 
  • Instagram TV (IGTV): Maximum 60 minutes 
  • TikTok: Maximum 60 seconds 
  • Facebook In-stream Ads: Maximum 15 seconds
  • Facebook Stories: Maximum 60 seconds
  • Twitter: Maximum 140 seconds  
  • Snapchat: Maximum 60 seconds 

As you can see, the majority of platforms currently have an ultimate limit of one minute. However, you should also consider what people will actually watch.  In general, shorter is better! Having a hook, catchy audio, and a professional branded look are what will keep people watching, especially if the video is on the shorter side. 

Video length is something that is good to experiment with, because it relates so intimately to the type of content you’re producing. Announcing a sale would fit will in a short video but sharing industry knowledge would suit a longer clip. Play around with the pairings of content and time and analyze the results as you go. 

One Key Takeaway from our Video Tips & Tricks: Optimization Is A Journey 

You can ‘go deep’ into video creation, whether you’re filming your own footage or automating the whole process, and the good news is that there are many ways to succeed. Finding your brand video voice, working within the limitations of each platform, and establishing a consistent posting schedule will take you far. Iteration and optimization will help you produce the best result!

To learn more about automating the video creation and scheduling process, check out the free trial of Prontopia.  

Short Staffed? Automate Your Video Content Creation!

Since the COVID-19 pandemic began, business across the globe have struggled with staffing shortages, and in some industries, there’s no end in sight. 

Combined with an increased demand for online content, many companies are struggling to keep up with the drive to create high-quality video content without breaking the bank. 

There have been other issues with filming as well. For example, ensuring the health and safety of talent, and production staff; various hurdles when it comes to traveling; and a huge demand for editing services. At the same time, as much of the workforce became remote, demand for instructional videos skyrocketed. These problems are present for small business as well as large agencies, and they warrant a solution that can fit all enterprises, cross-industry. 

That’s where automated video creation comes in. 

Why is video so important?  

It can’t be emphasized enough: video rules the roost. When it comes to social media, almost all platforms are promoting video content from their users. Instagram reels, TikTok, Snapchat, even YouTube Shorts are paving the way for video content creators. Additionally, having videos on your website as well as your social media means that some search engines will prioritize your pages, and rank you higher.  

Video is also blossoming in popularity because it’s an amazing story-telling medium, for everything from short, funny clips for social media ‘stories’, to longer onboarding or training videos for internal company use. It’s more engaging than a big block of text; it’s often more accessible than a still photo; and, with automated processes, it’s easier than ever to create. 

How can automating video content help my business? 

No matter the size of your marketing team—whether you have twenty people or just one—saving time with video is just around the corner. Automation can be a great jumping off point for those without any experience with video, or it can help your experienced team with weak spots. For example, speeding up clip choices, or helping to provide consistent scheduling. 

Using automation to create, tailor, and personalize videos is a cost-effective way for marketing teams to incorporate the popular medium into their work without the need to re-vamp an entire quarterly plan. Automation doesn’t mean throwing your creativity out the window; it means making what you already wanted to make cheaper and faster, without compromising on the quality. 

With automated video creation, content can be repurposed, personalized, and changed to fit many different scenarios, with a few simple swipes. This means that you can launch a campaign cross-platform without re-formatting, editing, and personalizing each one if you needed that functionality.

In case you weren’t sold on the idea already, Prontopia takes everything a huge step further, and automates the scheduling and posting process as well. As content marketers and managers alike will know, a product that can make these marketing strategies easier to act on is a welcome addition. 

What is Prontopia? 

Prontopia is a platform geared to help you automate your video creation AND social media marketing process. It’s a simple way to create, schedule, and share high quality videos… all in less than a minute. 

It’s not just another editing tool. Video automation is real technology, and a real extension of your existing strategy. It will help you to create high-quality video content in mere seconds, as well as pave the way for you to post consistent and reliable material to all your platforms. Prontopia is data-driven and will provide you with superior analytics, so that you can learn quickly what’s working and what’s not—from posting times to hash tagging strategies. 

Whether you’re newly entering the world of digital marketing, or you’ve been here since the beginning, you’ll know that when it comes to digital, data is key. While we need marketers who are creative, we also need systems that help us save time and money. Prontopia brings these needs together, allowing users to express themselves and their brand identity, while reducing the strain on their resources. 

Automated video content is waiting for you.

Want to try it? Head on over to


Putting aside all the advice, all the lists of tips and tricks, and all the re-branding announcements, there is one very simple truth about online content: video rules.  But how do you jump on the video bandwagon and make effective videos without breaking the bank?

The last two years threw many plans into disarray, but one repercussion has been an even more intense demand for digital content. From information and news to funny dance videos, video content is even more firmly established as a popular form of digital media. 

Even if you’re not familiar with video as a creator, you’re likely familiar with it from the consumer point of view. Whether it’s a friendly-looking video of your family dentist or a clean-cut advertisement for a local real estate company, we remember and trust brands that we see producing high quality video. 


According to Statista, as of 2020 over 83% of all internet users in the US accessed digital video content. Even as early as 2015 and 2016, video marketing was taking off, and for good reason. Insivia reports that based on many metrics, video is impactful almost anywhere you use it: as a YouTube Ad, embedded in an email, on social media, or even in a training scenario. 

Video is highly engaging. It gets shared more frequently with others, and the information is also often retained more easily than if it was consumed via text originally. Long story short: if you automate the creation process, video has the potential to provide an amazing ROI. 

Some reports say that including video on a landing page can increase conversion by up to 80%. In the same vein, according to WordStream, marketers who use video grew revenue 49% faster than non-video users. 

These statistics are worth taking on board because they are about video in general, not about specific industries. Video can be impactful for small businesses owners as well as large enterprises. It’s still all about maintaining brand identity and marketing effectively. Every company, cross-industry and no matter the size, should be using video in their digital marketing strategy. 

If you weren’t convinced already, video is also becoming even more prioritized on all social media platforms, from Twitter to LinkedIn. Even Instagram announced that its algorithms would be more actively promoting reels (short videos) instead of still images. 

So, how can you jump on the video bandwagon?



Whether you’re looking to use video as a source of ad revenue, a chance to build customer trust, or just provide an update about your current stock levels, there’s an easy and cost-effective way to give video a shot.  

  1. Don’t abandon your marketing plan. Think about who you want to talk to – your customers—and how you can connect to them. Your brand identity, your style, your brand colors and ‘vibe’, are still crucial parts of how you approach video, whether you’re using it to promote a one-time sale, or just remind clients of your hours.  
  2. Use Prontopia to automate video creation! Add a few of the keywords associated with your brand, choose the duration, as well the style/theme you like, and plug in your text. A high-quality, fully tailorable video will be yours in just minutes. 
  3. Schedule the video. With Prontopia, this step is seamless. You can connect your social media accounts, and schedule your video to post on each one, or just one, platform. You can also then set Prontopia to produce and publish additional videos as frequently as you want! 
  4. Sit back, relax, and check out the analytics. As your videos go out, Prontopia will help you check out the data. You can see things like the engagement rate for each platform, which is invaluable data. Monitor, tweak, check back, and watch your results unfold! 

Digital marketing is a fast-moving and competitive field, but you can be ahead of the curve by automating your video content creation process. With your plan and Prontopia’s prowess, you’re off to a strong start already. 

Want to try it for free? Check it out here! 

If you’re involved in digital marketing at any level, you might be wondering what the new year has in store for video creation and sharing. Over the past two years, large companies and small businesses alike have embraced new approaches to their digital content.  One thing is for sure: video is here to stay, which is why we have developed a list of our predictions for video marketing in 2022.

Almost all social media platforms have expanded the availability of video creation resources, and there have been tweaks to the algorithms that drive a prioritization of video content. In 2022, Meta, the recently-rebranded parent company of Instagram and Facebook, will continue to prioritize video, and engage with smaller content creators by monetizing aspects of video content generation.

Here are five other predictions for video marketing in 2022


1. Video Rules the Roost

Prediction: In 2022, video will continue to be one of the most-consumed forms of digital content.While straightforward, video’s continued hold on consumers is fascinating, especially having experienced the changes to the digital landscape over the last 24 months. Video is taking over partially because of the expansive nature of social media and streaming services, but also because of the pandemic. Over the past two years there’s been a huge move to video content in terms of concerts, conferences, yoga classes, and everything in between. Consider the sheer availability of video. Every minute, YouTube users upload another twenty hours of video, and every day the site streams around 100 million videos. According to 99Firms, more than four billion video views take place on Facebook every day. With those kinds of statistics, it’s safe to say that video is here to stay in 2022.


2. ‘Live’ Is Here To Stay

Prediction: In 2022, live video will become even more mainstream. Live video—regardless of the platform—has emerged as an essential subcategory of video marketing. It’s a highly effective way for brands to connect with consumers, as well as for content creators of any kind to run classes, courses, and conferences. Crucially, while consumers prefer video content to other forms overall, they also engage at a much higher rate when the content is live.

Live video has also made a huge impact on Instagram and Twitter, as it offers more opportunities for celebrities, artists, and brands to get immediate attention, as well as collaborate between themselves.


3. Search-Optimized Videos

Prediction: In 2022, videos will become an increasingly important part of SEO strategy. SEO in blog posts and static social media posts is nothing new, but what about videos optimized for search? As you may have noticed in your everyday searches, videos are more likely to generate first-page rankings than other traditional SEO techniques. Brightedge reports that Google is now putting video snippets next to 26% of search results, and users are more likely to click them when they do.

Including relevant and accurate titles, video descriptions, and keeping things short can help you get your video to the top of the pile.


4. Shh… I’m Watching Something

Prediction: In 2022, videos should be optimized to be played on silent. Contrary to popular belief, most people watch mobile videos with no sound—even if there is an associated song or voiceover in the video that would augment the content. In fact, 85% of videos on Facebook are watched without sound. The statistics are similar for other video-heavy platforms like Instagram and TikTok, because people are watching videos on their smartphones everywhere they go. Whether they are sitting in a waiting room, scrolling before bed, or feeling bored during a meeting, it’s likely that there’s something they want to watch silently. In 2022, we will likely see many more marketers taking this into consideration, and using both closed captions and voiceover to make sure they cover all the bases.


5. Let AI Do the Work

Prediction: In 2022, AI Video creation will go mainstream. Over the past year, AI video creation has exploded in both quality and availability. Marketers have realized that creating high-definition, professional videos doesn’t have to be an expensive and time-consuming project. By automating video content creation, along with an existing marketing strategy, companies can increase the consistency and reliability of their posts, without sucking time and budget away from the rest of their marketing efforts.

“Video marketing is evolving every year and consumers are increasingly engaging with video content. Video content can be expensive to produce but with AI-generated content, that cost becomes negligible and it is incredibly fast to create. With AI-based video marketing tools, agencies and businesses can produce professional-quality content quickly and affordably.” — Will Feldman, Owner, Garlic Media


Make 2022 The Best Year Yet

Many brands are at a point where they recognize the efficacy of video marketing, regardless of the metrics they care most about. Video content has been repeatedly shown to prompt user engagement, deliver a high ROI, and cause high click-through rates. We predict that 2022 will see a continued prioritization of video, and the expansion of AI-generated material.

Thank you for reading our predictions for video marketing in 2022.


Please check out to learn more. And may 2022 be a great year for your video marketing efforts!

These days, everyone is making videos. From YouTube Ads to Instagram Stories, short-form video content is all around us—and business is booming. Video is a highly engaging, highly effective form of entertainment and marketing, and enterprises of all sizes are cashing in. This is why we have outlined eight need-to-know strategies for effective video marketing.

Content creators, marketers, and communications folks will all know: it’s a lot to take in. But developing a digital marketing strategy that include video content is crucial.

Here are eight strategies for effective video marketing to help get you started with incorporating video into your social media content plans:

1. Tell Stories

Whether professional or personal, harness that creativity and tell the story of your brand. Think of the memorable commercials you’ve seen: the best ones often incorporate tear-jerking moments as well as humorous stories to sell products.


2. Include a Variety of Content

Within your brand identity and products, there is a lot of room for both creativity and professionalism. Creating a variety of videos for your page will allow you to showcase the best parts of your business. You might want to try out content like product features, sales or discount, and shopping highlights, but you can also create tutorials, behind the scenes reveals, or showcase a client or an employee. This variety of content will keep people on your page, and all them to find the information they are looking for.


3. Incorporate User Generated Content

If you have a business that clients are interested in leaving a review for, lean into this!
Encourage your clients to make videos of their own, and to tag your company in their own social media content. Re-posting and re-sharing personal content can boost the positive light in which your business is viewed. Campaigns like giveaways can help with getting customers to generate their own content, but you can also ask your clients to leave reviews.


4. Don’t Forget a Call To Action (CTA)

A classic marketing technique, but don’t forget about it when using video. Whether a ‘soft’ or ‘hard’ sell, remind viewers of what to do next. Make them feel like they want to buy immediately, learn more, save your post, get in touch – and don’t be afraid to clearly communicate it! Most marketers put their CTA at the end of the video, so make sure you give a clear indication when it counts. If you’re at a loss, a simple ‘visit our website’ might be all that you need.


5. Optimize Your Content

Optimization can mean a lot of things, but there are two main goals: optimizing your content for SEO, and optimizing the content for best performance on each platform. Optimizing for SEO has more to do with the text you choose in your title, video description, and caption—using keywords, hashtags, and tagged accounts can help get views and engagement. For platform optimization, this means making sure your video won’t get cropped, the text will show up, and that your brand identity is salient. Check out this article on optimization for social media platforms for some nitty-gritty details.


6. Analyze Your Results

If you aren’t gathering data already, now is the time to start! Digital Marketing is driven by data, and no matter how wonderfully creative you or your team is, you’ll want to pull numbers while your campaign is ongoing, and after it’s over. Being able to tweak keywords or hashtags and respond flexibly to a campaign is a smart idea, as is paying close attention to the end result of what works and what doesn’t. Reporting can be an amazing source of fuel when designing future campaigns, too.


7. Use Audio Effectively

You’ve likely encountered videos with catchy chart-topping songs, as well as ones with neutral instrumental music—showing us that all kinds of audio can be successful. Here’s the catch when it comes to audio: it’s not a guarantee. Some users will be listening actively, while others will have volume off almost all the time. So, learn to tell your story with and without audio. If users can follow the gist of a silent video, it can increase how effective your content is overall. Consider using compelling and high-definition visuals, text-heavy descriptions, and subtitles in your silent content.


8. Create Consistency

You’ve probably heard that consistency on social media is really important. But what does consistency really mean when it comes to posting? It refers to maintaining a recognizable voice, reliable and familiar branding, and stable brand identity, but it also, more practically, refers to the number of days per week that you post, and perhaps the time of day. Being able to provide consistent content at high-engagement times of day will make sure your pages stay at the top of user’s feeds.

Every organization will have limitations when it comes to budget and time, so know that you can start anywhere! With Pronto, you can set videos to be created and posted automatically – which is the best-case scenario for those short on time but looking for professional, high-quality video content.

Thank you for reading about our recommended strategies for effective video marketing. To learn more about the trends we are seeing today, read more about our Predictions for Video Marketing in 2022 article.

Or sign up for an account at today!


The secret’s out: everyone loves video. From search engines that prioritize links to YouTube videos, to algorithms that rank your website higher if you have video embedded in the landing pages, video is the reigning queen of digital content. The same goes for most social media platforms, including Instagram, TikTok, and Snapchat.  There are various reasons why you should start automating your video content.

However, knowing that video is desirable doesn’t mean every business has the resources to invest in high-quality production and editing. In fact, many brands still think that video has to be a costly and time-consuming process, draining precious resources away from other marketing initiatives. These considerations are particularly salient in the current climate: there’s a high demand for video, along with staff shortages and tight budgets.

The great news is that automating your video content can solve several issues at once. Automating the creation, captioning, scheduling, and posting processes can help companies save time and money, and build brand-consistent messaging.


Three Big Reasons Why You Should Start Automating Your Video Content… Right Now


1. Save Time

When it comes to video automation, hours of filming and the days of editing are a thing of the past. Video is the perfect candidate for automation: there are many elements that can be re-used and recycled cross-platform and cross-video, and creating short form content (like 15- and 30- second videos for social media) can and should be a very straightforward process!

Automating your video content creation could mean that you go from spending days on a single project, to a high quality finished product in under one minute. Choosing templates, audio, and clips based on keywords you set with Pronto can save your team time in every step.

It doesn’t stop there, though: once you have a completed video, you can also save time by batch-producing more, saving your favorite templates, and scheduling additional automated videos to post automatically to your linked social media platforms. These automated steps are the future of digital marketing. If your team is spending hours creating daily content, it’s time to rethink how you are spending precious time.


2. Save Money

Over the last decades, the cost of video has come down dramatically, but high-quality content still seems to come with a high price tag. The costs of renting a production studio, hiring a contractor who has the right filming equipment, perhaps hiring someone else to edit hours of footage down to a single minute… it adds up.

But gone are the days of a single video project running your business upwards of five, ten, twenty thousand dollars. When you automate the video creation process, you save money immediately: Pronto will learn from you about what features you want, what styles you prefer, and then report back to you about what content did well.

With built-in, easily customizable features like text-to-speech, voiceovers, and transitions, you’ll save money on each part of the video creation process.


3. Stay Consistent

While videos that go viral are seen as the pinnacle of digital achievement, real success is to be found in consistent, valuable content. When you regularly produce high quality video, your staff and your customers implicitly understand you are a reliable company with high value. Automating your video content makes it incredibly simple to have a unified style in your material, in everything from the genres of background music, to the font styles you choose. You can tweak many aspects of your videos, without straying from what you know to be effective.

Consistency is a crucial part of rolling out completed content, too: algorithms favor accounts and sites that regularly post content (especially video!). With Prontopia, you can schedule your videos to post at any time of day or night, weeks ahead of time. After you’ve posted, our analytics will help you find the most effective posting times for your brand for each platform you’re posting to.

As digital marketing becomes more and more data driven, it’s crucial to find and embrace tools that make both production and analytics more efficient. Automated video can set your business apart!

To learn more, please read our article: Eight Need-To-Know Strategies for Effective Video Marketing

Get started today at:

Lurking in every conversation between digital marketers and content managers are the questions about how to create high quality video content… quickly. How To Master Social Media Platforms With Video Automation.

Gone are the days where high quality video could immediately set a company apart. Now, video is ubiquitous across social media, advertisements, and even in customer relations. It’s a necessary part of any strong digital marketing plan. So, the questions arise: how can your company create professional, brand-consistent videos, without breaking the bank?

Content marketers who entered their field before video marketing was so popular and accessible are also often left with the question of how to engage with video content without spending hours and hours of their time learning how to film and edit. Especially when most social media platforms have slightly different requirements!

Fortunately for everyone in the marketing world, no matter the size of your enterprise or the particular expertise of your marketing team (whether that’s just you, or a team of twenty!), there is a solution just around the corner.

Some content management platforms (that link their platform with social media accounts) can be a helpful first step on the journey. But, the real time- and money-consuming parts of content creation happen before the posts get scheduled. The writing, filming, and editing processes are where social media content creators could really use some help.

Automation is a way to cut the time commitment of video creation down to mere minutes. With Prontopia, you can choose from many high-definition, brand-consistent clips, based on both industry-specific keywords and broad terms for styles and themes. In just a few clicks, you can add text and voice-overs, dates and details—and if you’re seeing clips you don’t like, everything can be tailored and edited at any time. All of this happens in just a few minutes!

Besides the massive savings in budget and time when making one video, the special thing about Prontopia is that you can schedule future videos to be created and posted automatically. Prontopia’s AI-based technology allows the system to learn from you, so that it’s even easier to stay consistent.

When it comes to social media, gathering data about your highest-performing posts will help you respond quickly to tweaks you want to make, or deals you want to extend. Prontopia takes all these components of video creation and puts them into one easy-to-use platform.

Never before has the phrase ‘set it and forget it’ been applied to video creation—but it’s finally here. Prontopia makes it simple to:

1. Schedule an automated video once and reap long term, continuing benefits;


2. Get bigger, better results with less effort, and in less time;


3. Establish consistent , high-quality communication with your clients and followers.


These three benefits to automated video creation for social media can transform how much time and budget you have for content creation. As Instagram prioritizes Reels , TikTok continues to boom, and YouTube Ads increase in frequency, it’s becoming standard cross-industry to keep up with the video content.

With Prontopia, you can explore all your options: schedule a video for the day you know you get the least customers, to give your online visibility a boost. Or, run a couple videos each week on all your platforms, and see which gets the highest engagement, or CTR. You can even try different fonts, styles, and voices to see which combinations perform well, and track all these changes with Prontopia’s analytics. It’s truly a shortcut to optimization.

Thank you for reading our input on how to master social media platforms with video automation.

To learn more, check out our blog on key strategies for effective video marketing.

Want to try it out? Head over to